FAO公開徵求水產業值得參考之作業準則 聯合國糧農組織(FAO)公開徵求(尤其鼓勵所有水產製造商聯盟及農民組織踴躍參與)與水產業相關的作業準則(Codes of Practice)、經營準辦公室出租則(Codes of Conduct)、管理實踐(Management Practice)及技術指導方針之發展概要等相關資料。FAO養殖處處長邀請所有對促進水產業永續發展有興趣的國家或區域,以書面、電子檔永慶房屋或網站連結等方式,向FAO提供其實際操作效果甚佳的COP/BMP範本。提供有具體成效的水產業COPs/BMPs予國家與國際性組織參考使用,不僅重要且深具意義。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade 西裝News, No.5/2010)FAO WANTS AQUACULTURE BEST PRACTICE DOCUMENTS FOR GLOBAL REVIEWThe Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is calling for contributions to the 信用卡代償development of a worldwideoverview and databank on Codes of Practice, Codes of Conduct, Management Practices and TechnicalGuidelines in aquaculture.The chief of 房地產FAO’s Aquaculture Service invites all those interested in the promotion of sustainableaquaculture development to advise FAO of the existence of COP/BMP documents 辦公室出租in their countries orregions. In particular, all aquaculture producer associations and farmer organizations are encouraged to sendto FAO their Codes of Practice, 褐藻醣膠Codes of Conduct, Best (Better) Management Practices, TechnicalGuidelines, etc. COPs/BMOs in aquaculture, as available with national and international 婚禮顧問organizations, wouldalso be important and should also be contributed. Documents could be sent to FAO in hard copy format orelectronic format, or, if available 關鍵字廣告online, by informing FAO of the relevant website, internet link or URL.

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